Av. Calle 82 # 10 - 33 Of. 903, Bogotá

(+57) 601 443 31 50


Grupo trinity

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our commitment to the communities, society and the environment in the territories where we carry out our activity is essential for long-term success.


At Grupo Trinity we promote a conscious economy, based on the development of responsible activities, always working from the ethical principles of transparency, respect, humanism, solidarity, innovation and sustainability, promoting productivity and business profitability from three axes:
Economic side | Environmental side | Social side

Social responsibility and its impact on communities essential for long-term success

Economic side

  • Support business strengthening.
  • Promote the creation of micro-enterprises through entrepreneurship funds.
  • Strengthen suppliers in the areas of influence by improving the quality of their products.

Environmental side

  • Contribute to sustainability by mitigating environmental impacts in the area of influence.
  • Train communities for the efficient use of natural resources.

Social side

  • Encourage professional education by supporting university programs and scholarships.
  • Promote culture and sports programs.
  • Contribute to gender equity by supporting women education.


Becas universitarias a otorgar

Millones por invertir

Docentes a capacitar

Grupo Coquecol foundation

Paz del Río foundation